When I started my journey to recovery, I was so disconnected from my body.
That's what happens when you hate your body. Food was my coping mechanism for life...it was my drug of choice.
For so long I tried to 'think my way out' of emotional eating. I would read all the books, listen to all the podcasts and consume as much content as humanly possible.
This was making everything worse. I can remember saying to myself "I know ALL THE THINGS, yet nothing is working!"
Do you feel me on this?
You know exactly how to end emotional eating yet, for some reason - it feels impossible?
That's because you're trying to put a bandaid on a bullet wound - trying to heal an internal issue with external solutions.
If you don't know where to start, start here.
I'll be in your ears guiding you throughout the next 21 days - let's move through this, once and for all.
This mediation journey is normally $47, but we are currently offering it for $27 to make it more accessible, so let's find some peace and get our meditation on!