Want to change the world while creating life on your own terms?

The Hungry For Happiness Certification Program is for women who want to dedicate their lives to supporting those who struggle with disordered eating
and body image issues.

This 10-month intensive program will train you in the 'PHOENIX FORMULA', The Hungry For Happiness signature process which supports people in breaking free from the fight they have with food and their bodies.

This program includes 8 months of teacher training with 2 months of business building. Once you have completed the program you will be able to start and run your own focused coaching practice.

Once you apply you will be taken to a booking link to schedule a call 
with Samantha. Together on the phone, you two will decide if this
program is the right fit to move forward.
Do you want to help heal the world from disordered eating and body image issues? 
Who are we looking for?
  • ​You have the inner fire in your body to do more, create more, and help people around the world.
  • ​You love being part of a team of like-minded, heart-centered women.
  • ​You’ve done your own work on healing your relationship with food and your body and now want to help women do the same. 
  • ​You’re someone who people turn to in emotionally hard times and identify as an empathetic person. 
  • ​You lead with your heart.
  • ​You lean more toward an entrepreneurial or freelance lifestyle and want to create financial abundance and time freedom.
  • ​In spite of your existing accomplishments, you still crave something more deeply satisfying to the soul.
  • ​You’ve been involved in the Hungry For Happiness community in some way and are drawn to the transformations and impact the company is making.
  • ​ You are playful, wild-spirited, aren’t afraid to take chances, and most importantly, are ready to create and design your life on your own terms. 
We are on a mission to help 1 million women end
  disordered eating by 2020, are you in?
What's Included?
4×1.5hr Online Lectures per month
July 2019 –May 2020 (Monday 4:00pm PST)

Term One - The Rise (8 weeks)
- Personal Empowerment & Self Reflection

Term Two - The Phoenix Formula (23 weeks) 
- The Hungry For Happiness signature process 

Term Three - The Fire Effect (10 weeks) 
- How to build & strengthen your coaching business

Internal & External Practicum 
- Coach clients, peers, & members of the Hungry For Happiness Community to master your craft 

Personal Mentor 
- You'll be paired up with a Hungry For Happiness coach to support your growth and journey throughout the entire process

Private Facebook Community
Exclusive access for Certification Program Participants
Call Curriculum
41 Lectures Covering:
  • ​Learning, coaching, and implementing the Phoenix Formula*, The signature HFH process
  • ​Holding space & creating safe containers
  • ​Art of ethical and transparent communication
  • ​Effective group facilitation
  • ​8 business mastery calls

  • ​Step by step plan to make six-figures in less than 12 months
  • ​Creating your business from scratch
  • ​Marketing (social, email, live)
  • ​Sales with soul (the art influence)
  • ​Learning the Fire Effect*, 3-Step business expansion technique
"This program has been a game-changer for me. Within 3 months of graduating the program I've already made back my initial investment. I am so grateful I now get to do this work in the world for the rest of my life, I feel incredibly blessed to serve in this way"

 - Cheryl Hawrychuk
Identify your unique ‘FOUR ELEMENT’ Coaching Style

Discover your unique coaching style (Water, Air, Earth, & Fire)

Create a business that aligns with your unique style

How to effectively facilitate using your coaching style

How to consciously attract clients in alignment with your element
"My favorite part of the program is diving into personal development. In particular, I'm enjoying exploring more about my inner child. There is so much to sort through here - it has been confronting at times, but I know that I need to have more awareness around where she is holding
me back from being my best self."

 - Britt Felix Lopez

After completing the Hungry For Happiness Certification Program, you can step into the following niches...

Food & Body Coach

Self Love & Intimacy Coach

Self Expression Coach

Dating & Confidence Coach
What is the The Rise?
 THE RISE is the initial phase of the Hungry For Happiness Certification journey. We believe the best coaches in the world are masters at being emotionally responsible and truly taking care of themselves before being in service of others. This phase dives deep into the soul's journey and helps students develop highest states of awareness within themselves. 
What is the Phoenix Formula?
The PHOENIX FORMULA was developed by Samantha Skelly and a team of psychologists, NLP master practitioners, dieticians, & doctors to identify the 7 elements in creating lasting transformation in women and men who suffer with disordered eating and body image issues. This 7 step process is threaded into all work under the Hungry For Happiness brand and will be fully taught in the Hungry For Happiness Certification Program.
What is the Fire Effect?
The FIRE EFFECT is a branding, marketing, and sales strategy developed
specifically for coaches by Samantha Skelly to create powerful and effective
brands that sell. This is a 3-step process which encompasses marketing, sales, and branding elements to create and build a profitable 6-figure coaching business. 
"My favorite part of the program is diving into personal development. In particular, I'm enjoying exploring more about my inner child. There is so much to sort through here - it has been confronting at times, but I know that I need to have more awareness around where she is holding
me back from being my best self."

 - Britt Felix Lopez
What can I do once I graduate?
  • ​Create a lucrative coaching practice reaching women and men around the world who suffer with disordered eating & body image issues.
  • ​Incorporate the Phoenix Formula into your existing business to deliver added value.

  • ​Create a retreat based business facilitating retreats internationally.
  • ​Apply for a coaching position with Hungry for Happiness. 
What are alumni saying?
Richelle Ludwig, Alberta Canada
Britt Felix Lopez, California
Mandy Sciacchitano, California
Cheryl Hawrychuk, Victoria, BC
Hello Love, I'm Sam. 
I want to take a moment to tell you why I do the work that I do. I spent years of my life hating my body and binge eating. I’m not exaggerating when I say that over the course of five years, I was on 50 different diets.

After a 3-year journey of self-discovery--that was much more difficult and painful than those few words can do justice--I came out on the other side of my battle and have been in recovery ever since.

I’ve been there myself. I understand the pain, shame, and fear that goes with disordered eating and body hate. That’s why I’m super passionate about helping others end their struggle with binge eating, heal their relationships to food and their body, and become their highest, best, and most authentic selves.

My coaching style is based on the belief that disordered eating is an EMOTIONAL issue that needs an EMOTIONAL solution.

I help my clients create lasting change through an effective yet gentle approach that helps them uncover and heal their pain, shed all the limiting beliefs and stories that no longer serve them, and step into their truth from a place of empowerment and love.

I’ve also witnessed how instrumental community is in helping others overcome this struggle. This is why I cultivate a safe and supportive online space for my clients to bond with others who are on the same journey as them.

It’s time to revolutionize the $80 billion weight loss industry that is all about bandaid on bullet wound “fixes” that play off of people’s insecurities and desperation for change.

It’s time to help our clients dig deep and address the core emotional issues that have them using food as a drug in the first place.

I’ve made it my personal mission to help one million people end dieting by 2020.

I hope you’ll join me, because the world needs more changemakers with a passion for purpose, service, and transformation.

I'm stoked to work with you to soon to empower you to become a fellow leader healing the world of disordered eating. 

All love,
Become A Hungry For Happiness Coach
2018 Hungry For Happiness 
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